Friday, June 28, 2013

Lifestyles of the rich and famous?

Well hello there Blogger community!

One of these days I'm going to be a famous author and you will all be the lucky few who had a glimpse of my genius, before it was generally appreciated by the public.

I feel like it's my obligation to society to write out the insanity of my thoughts. Whenever I experience something funny, I don't see it like most people. I don't think, "Oh that...that was funny."
No. I see it and imagine myself on a stage, retelling the experience like a stand-up comedian.

The tragedy is I have zero stage presence. So blogging seems as good a place as any to start.
If you're lucky you'll get a well-balanced blend of the funny me and the profound me. How those two identities co-exist in my body, is beyond me. They don't compliment each other AT ALL. But there is supposed to be a beauty in cacophony, right?

We will just chalk it all up to that.


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